Doubel Combustion Chamber

All Incinerators are Doubel Combustion Chamber with One Fuel Burner Each. After Burner Technology for Completely Combustion and Cleaner World.

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High Temperature Incineration

Temperature Range 800 Degree to 1200 Degree in Combustion Chamber. Temperature Thermocouple Monitor and Controller. High Quality Fire Brick and Refactory Cement.

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Nanjing Clover Medical Technology Co.,Ltd.

Email: | Tel: +86-25-8461 0201

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Regular model incinerator for market with burning rate from 10kgs to 500kgs per hour and we always proposal customer send us their require details, like waste material, local site fuel and power supply, incinerator operation time, etc, so we can proposal right model or custom made with different structure or dimensions.
Incinerator Model YD-100 is a middle scale incineration machine for many different usage: for a middle hospital sickbed below 500 units, for all small or big size family pets (like Alaskan Malamute Dog), for community Municipal Solid Waste Incineration, etc. The primary combustion chamber volume is 1200Liters (1.2m3) and use diesel oil or natural gas fuel burner original from Italy.

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Solid Waste Incinerators

The Contractor shall provide a Cremation System package for  TWO (02) Cremators and system approved by related authority, which must fit into the allocated area as shown on the plan drawings. The work shall include but not limited to design preparation, authority design approval, supply, fabricate, construct, commissioning, testing, operational approval, provide training and also warranty of the system package. The work shall include all preliminaries, related civil and structural work, mechanical and electrical work and all external work required for the proper completion and operational of the system and as follows :The incinerator will be used for a group of private multi profile hospitals.

The hourly-generated waste is about 100kg per hour, but with 1000kg daily amount.

Due to the economic situation in Bulgaria now, our researches shows that a 100kg/hour system can fit the needs set in the project.

Please, offer us an Incinerator system that can match the parameters described above. We are ready to give information that is more detailed if you need such one. Within the technical specifications of you product we need to have full details of the parameters of exhaust gases, with all certificates you have about the environmental safety regarding EU directives.

1. All preliminaries which shall include but not limited to providing work insurances, taxes, mobilisation and demobilisation, contract management and supervision, design and professional fee, authority design approval, operational approval, site preparation, temporary storage, health environmental safety and security, setting out, CIDB levy, duties, deposits, fees, charges, contribution but not excluding only the bank guarantee to the authority JPP which shall be provided by the Client, progress reporting and other required preliminaries for successful completion of the work.This type of incinerator is what you have described as a ‘low temperature thermal decomposition incinerator’.  We can speed up the burning process by using hot air from a downstream process which can be fed back into the incinerator to raise the burning temperature.
considerably. These kinds of incinerators are the sort that would probably have been made and used many years ago before the anti pollution regulations were brought in. We believe that they would be very simple and cheap to manufacture for a company such as yours, as long as a large sales volume could be obtained. We believe that our technology will create a large need for this type of incinerator and would also make a good business opportunity for a company, such as Clover, who is able and willing to manufacture and supply them. I am sure that this simple type of incinerator could be easily modified to enable automatic charging and probably also automatic cleaning?

2. All structural, building and architectural work which includes but not limited to construction of all reinforced concrete work, chimney, structural steel work and all building work for all necessary requirements, operational and control panel system for proper completion and successful operation of the syste. The Contractor must make good all the works being disturbed.We want a very simple, single combustion chamber, incinerator which is capable of burning all types of waste and rubbish products. We will be treating the emissions from the incinerator in another process so we do not have to have scrubbing or other cleaning equipment to avoid pollution.
The incinerator is required to operate 24/7 continuously so it needs to be able to be cleaned whilst still operating. The waste materials being burned will contain non flammable materials and these will need to be cleared out of the incinerator. We would like this cleaning to be as simple as possible. The same applies to the loading of rubbish into the incinerator, which we would like to be able to be done automatically if possible.

3. All mechanical and eletrical works which includes but limited to supply, deliver and installation of all valves, penstock, screens, pumps, float swithces, flexible connector, pressure pipe works, blower, hot dipped galvanised lifting davits, air diffusers, hot dipped galvanised handrailings, hot dipped galvanised gratings, switch boards, cabling and wirings, lighting, earthing, metering, lighting protection, flow measurement and flow recorders, testing & comissioning and all necessary for proper completion and successful operational of the system.


Design and Build approved gas cremation system

4. The Contractor shall provide and fully comply with all requirements by the related authority during design stage, design approval, inspection and after inspection, handing over of the system package whether it is clearly shown or not but deemed necessary for successful completion and satisfaction to the authority. The Contractor must allow in his tender price all direct and indirect cost at no extra cost to the Client for all such compliances.7.    Type of waste  : Bio-medical / Hazardous / Municipal / Trash  = ALL and Mixed
8.    Any other : Rubber, rubber tyres, Batteries, green waste, paper and cardboard
9.    Quantity of waste generated per day in kg : 3 -5 tonnes per day
10.    Duration – incinerator will be used per day : 1 – 8 hours / 1 – 16 hours / Continuous
11.    Approximate moisture content: Variable
12.    Local incinerator operating and emission standards : India / EURO / US-EPA  Australia
13.    What is the height of the chimney required? : No chimney is required. Flue length should be approximately 2 to 3 metres to join to a downstream process
14.    Fuel proposed to be used :  LDO / HSD / FO / SKO/ Gas / Other  – No fuel required – Intended to free burn waste products
15.    Availability of power and type : Electricity if required
16.    Details of space available :  Not restricted
17.    Do you require an automatic loading system? : [X ] Yes         [ ] No
18.    Do you require a gas scrubbing system? : [ ] Yes         [X ] No
19.    How soon do you require the system to be delivered? : Sea Freight to Port of Cairns, Queensland, Australia in approximately Two months
20.    City and country of use :  Australia
21.    Whether the location is a coastal area : [ ]Yes         [X ] No
22.    Any other specific requirements: Primary combustion chamber only is required. Solid and inflammable waste products need to be capable of being recovered from the incinerator easily using an automated procedure. This is because the incinerator will be required to operate 24/7. Rotary kiln or moving floor may be considered if deemed practical by the supplier. One initial incinerator is required for a proof of concept project and future orders for the successful supplier, following successful implementation of this project, are likely to be significant.
23.    It would be most useful if the supplier could send a video of the incinerator in operation or diagrams and pictures to show how it works.

5. The Contractor shall be responsible for all maintenance of the system, routine and periodical maintenance such as cleaning etc. during, upon completion, before and after inspection. The maintenance shall be in fully compliance to the authority requirements and satisfaction and shall be deemed included in the Contractor tender price and at no extra cost to the Client.

6. The Contractor must submit to the S.O their proposed system package detail, which includes authority approval and an A4 or A3 preliminary dimensioned system layout fitting into area allocated in the plan drawing.

7. For maintenance and services during Defect Liability Period, respond period to any complaint for the Contractor to attend shall be within 24hours

8. The Cremators package shall, inter alia, inclusive the following scope:

– Furnace Chamber and Afterburner

– Combustion System

– Control Panel

– Single refactory lined chimney for 2 cremators

– Flue Gas Sampling Platform

– Electrical wiring within the system requirements

– Raking Tools

– Ashbox

– Approval from DOE / Local Authority

– Any other scope/works required for the systems

incinerators that can handle Bio-Medical waste red bag

incinerators that can handle Bio-Medical waste (red bag) from research laboratories with level 2 and 3, animal research, and hospitals.  There are also a small amount of Pharmaceutical waste to be destroyed.  I would like your recommendations on what incinerators would handle the these requirement based on the following monthly kilograms of material.


Site 1 – 4,650Kgs per month (I have recommend that I install two incinerators at this location since it is a medical research facility and the usage is very high)


Site 2 – 1000Kgs per month (this facility deals more with animal research but also has red bag waste from their research side, they currently have a large animal carouse incinerator)


Site 3 – 1000Kgs per month (this facility is a local hospital with bio-waste from treating patients)

Biomedical Waste Incinerator, 10-15 KG 

The first is a small
20kg/per hr incinerator for a small-medium sized hospital, and the
second is a 500kg per/hr incinerator for a company planning to start a
incineration service in Lahore.Burn Rate : >200 kg per hour
Average fuel consumption : ~29 kg per hour ( Or lesser)
Gas Retention in Secondary Chamber : 2 secs
Temperature Monitoring : Yes
Average Ash Residue : 3%Medical waste management practises here are sub-standard. I have come across your small scale medical waste management units.Biomedical Waste Incinerator, 10-15 kg
Type / Model:
Country of Origin:
Description of Function
The Biomedical Waste Incinerator is used for Incineration of each type of Biomedical Waste.
The Disposal of such Biomedical waste is a very important as it is a dangerous wastes for
human life, and It is only possible with a perfect incinerator.
Operational Requirements
It shall be operated by manual and automated mode.
The combustion efficiency (CE) shall be at least 99.00%.
The combustion efficiency is computed as follows:
C.E.= __%CO2______ x 100
%CO2 + %CO
Emission Standards: Lower emission rates are preferred.
Parameters                   Concentration in mg/Nm3 (12% CO2 correction
Max total dust              30mg/m3
Max Sulphur Dioxide      200mg/m3
Max Nitrogen dioxide    400mg/m3
Max Carbon                     100mg/m3
Minimum stack height shall be 30 metres above ground.
Volatile organic compounds in ash shall not be more than 0.01%.
System Configuration
Biomedical Waste Incinerator, complete unit.
Technical Specifications
It shall be Electrical or Diesel Fired Incinerator or Controlled Air & pyrolytic.
Type of Waste: Biomedical Waste
It shall have burning capacity 10-15 kg/hr.
Fuel: Diesel
Burner: Monoblock fully automatic burners.
Temperature: Primary Chamber 800 ± 50 oC, Secondary Chamber 1050 ± 50 oC.
Type of Waste: Biomedical waste with moisture content up to 85%.
Destruction Efficiency: 99%.
It shall have separate digital display of temperature for both chambers.
It shall have provision for measuring primary & secondary chamber temperatures using external
thermo coupler.
Secondary chamber gas residence time shall be minimum 1 second at 1050 oC.
Primary Chamber:
Type: Static Solid Hearth
Material of Construction: Mild Steel, 5mm thick
Refractory thickness: approx.115mm thick
Material: Refractory bricks confirming to international standard.
Temperature resistance: 1400 oC
Insulation thickness: approx.115mm thick
Material: Insulation bricks confirming to international standard.
Waste Charging: Manual & Automatic waste charging.
Ash Removal: Manual/automatic
Secondary Chamber:
Type : Static Solid Hearth
Material of Construction: Mild Steel, 5mm thick
Refractory thickness: approx.115mm thick
Material: Refractory bricks confirming to international standard.
Temperature resistance: 1400 oC.
Insulation thickness: approx.115mm
Material: Insulation bricks confirming to international standard.
Waste Charging: Manual & Automatic waste charging.
Emergency Stack:
Type: cylindrical, top mounted on venturi ejector.
Material of Construction: Mild Steel, 3mm thick.
Refractory: 75mm thick castable.
Insulation: 25mm thick castable.
Material of construction of outer body: Mild Steel refractory lined from inside.
Shall have water circulation system with centrifugal pump.
It shall have to reduce flue gas temperature before venturi scrubber.
Shall provide pump motor of suitable capacity.
Air Pollution Control Device – Venturi Scrubber
Type: High pressure jet type.
MOC: Stainless steel – 316L.
Temperature at the outlet: 78-80 oC
Scrubbing Media: Water with 5% caustic
Re- Circulation Pump for Venturi Scrubber
Type: Centrifugal
Application: PP/SS
Piping : PPR
Droplet Separator & Re-Circulation Tank (Integral)
Type: Cyclonic
Application: To separate water droplets from flue gases
Material of Construction: Mild Steel Rubber lined 3mm thick
I.D. Fan:
Type: High pressure centrifugal
Material of Construction: Stainless steel 304, impeller and mild steel rubber lined casting
Drive: Bel
Combustion Fan:
Type: Centrifugal
Modulation: Manual damper control
Material of Construction: Mild Steel
Drive: Direct drive
No. of burners: 2 Nos. (1 No. in Primary Chamber and 1No. in Secondary Chamber)
Type: Monoblock fully automatic
Fuel: Diesel
Fuel Oil Storage Tank:
Shall provide suitable capacity of oil storage tank.
Material of Construction: Mild steel.
Facility for visual checking of fuel shall be there.
It shall have diesel consumption monitoring system.
It shall come with diesel oil level indicator, piping with valves & N.R. valve.
Control Panel:
Type: Manual & Automated PLC based control panel with printer & recording device.
Material of Construction: CRCA sheet
It shall have digital temperature controller.
Epoxy powder coated washable paint finish.
It shall have audio-visual alarm system.
Chimney of 30 meters Height:
Material of Construction: Mild Steel
It shall be self-supporting type.
Height shall be 30 meters from ground level.
Paint The chimney is painted externally with two coats of heat resistant aluminum paint
Shall provide ladder till the top.
It shall have 3mm thick rubber lining from inside for protection.
It shall come with aviation lamp, lightening arrestor, stack, drain, inspection platform, sampling
Consumption certificate:
The bidder must submit diesel consumption for a daily operation of 6 hours.
Prices offered shall be inclusive of all civil works, electrical requirements including cabling and
switches required for installation & commissioning of the equipment.
Bidder shall submit detail drawings, design, and layout plan of civil works.
The bidder shall submit the details of BOQ of civil and electrical works.
Accessories, spares and consumables
All standard accessories, consumables and parts required to operate the equipment, including
all standard tools and cleaning and lubrication materials, to be included in the offer. Bidders
must specify the quantity of every item included in their offer (including items not specified
Operating Environment
The system offered shall be designed to store and to operate normally under the conditions of
the purchaser’s country. The conditions include Power Supply, Climate, Temperature,
Humidity, etc.
Power supply: 220-240 VAC, 50Hz single phase/400 – 420 VAC, 50Hz three phase as
appropriate fitted with appropriate plug. The power cable must be at least 3 meter in length.
Standards and Safety Requirements
It shall have approval of “Pollution Control Board” of purchaser’s country.
All mandatory approvals required for the installation and operation of incinerator shall be done
by the bidder.
Must submit ISO 9001 AND
CE or USFDA approved product certificate.
User Training
Must provide user training (including how to use and maintain the equipment).
Comprehensive warranty for 2 years after acceptance.
Maintenance Service during Warranty Period
During the warranty period supplier must ensure preventive maintenance along with
corrective/breakdown maintenance whenever required.
Installation and Commissioning
The bidder must arrange for the equipment to be installed and commissioned by certified or
qualified personnel; any prerequisites for installation to be communicated to the purchaser in
advance, in detail.
User (Operating) manual in English.
Service (Technical / Maintenance) manual in English
List of important spare parts and accessories with their part number and costing.
Certificate of calibration and inspection from factory.



1.   Capacity of destruction in weight: 60 Kg/h.
2.   It should be able to operate not less than 10 hours/day
3.  This incinerator must be able to destruct all combustible wastes produced by hospitals,
private clinics, laboratories, institutes, etc…
4.  Design Specification : Types A, B, C, D, and E of medical waste
5.  PYROLYTIC” combustion, by controlling the gasification of waste.
6.  The incinerator must avoid the release of black smoke and fine dust, (Smokeless) during the
7.   It should be able to reduce the volume of wastes by 98%.
8.   It should be able to hold emission in the second burn with gas residence of not less than 2 seconds.
9.  The incineration should be completely free from visible smoke as well as offensive odours.
10. The lower calorific power (L.C.P) of this waste will be 3,500 kcal/kg
•    The Temperatures of combustion: Minimum will be 850°C and max 1400°C
•    Post combustion: > 1100°C.
11. The Internal diameter of the Chimney: Ø 400 and its height: 8 m
12. The Volume of the combustion chamber: 1.200 L
13. The Dimension of the door for loading in cm: 70×70.
14. Burner operation should be Automatic On/Off
15. Fuel: diesel
16. The supplier must provide necessary information for the best of the installation This incinerator
with “PYROLYTIC” combustion must have:
17. A combustion chamber of waste:
* Perfectly tight door for the manual loading of waste. The loading should be Manual, Batch
* A burner of lighting which the use is limited to the ignition of waste.
* Frontage of loading with door seals gone up on hinges, wheel of screw plug, flexible joint, and
stuffing insulating out of refractor.-.
* The insulation of the combustion chamber should be composed of refractory bricks,
having a high content of aluminium and insulates bricks in order to assure a minimum
temperature on the outside sheet metal.
* Composition of the refractory;
•    Refractory concrete:
> Thickness: > 100 mm ”
> Nature: 42% of A1203
•    Insulate in fibrous panels :
> Thickness: > 75 mm
> Nature: Calcium silicate.
* Burner of lighting of waste, with fuel, standard mono-bloc casting guiding plunging
flame, lighting and safety of electronic ignition, permanent ventilation, electromagnetic sluice
gate of regulation and isolating valve.
*  Plate of combustion in Carborundum, avoiding the fixing of glass and slags.

18. A chamber of post combustion of gases
* A burner of combustion of gases,
* A device of injection of air allowing a total recombustion of gases,
* A device of air inlet of cooling of waste gases,
* A sheath of evacuation of the gases burnt.
* Carcass in strong sheet steel with support of connection.
* Composition of the refractory;
•    Refractory concrete :
> Thickness: > 150 mm
>  Nature: 65% of A1203
•    Insulate in fibrous panel:
>  Thickness: > 85 mm
>  Nature: Calcium
* Burner with fuel, mono-bloc casting guiding type with horizontal flame, lighting and safety of
electronic ignition, permanent ventilation, electromagnetic sluice gate of regulation and isolating
* A secondary injection of air to ensure perfect oxygen content.

19. A control box ensuring the complete cycle of combustion.

20. Fan:
* Electro-ventilator distributing the secondary air, the regulation of the air flow being
carried out by valves and following the control of the automatic cycle.

21. Controls and regulations:
Control box watertight to dust, including:
* A switch circuit breaker for each engine (ventilators and burners).
* A timer with adjustable temporization for the regulation of each burner.
* A regulator with digital watching for the temperature of combustion,
* A regulator with digital watching for the temperature of postcombustion.
* Electric box.

21. The de- ashing must be done in the bottom of the combustion chamber or the deashing
should be Automatic or manual batch de ashing.

22. Process Filtering system: Scruber to be mentionned as optional

23. Emission Standards Compliance: BS 3316 or equivalent standard

23. Capacity to treat Plastic: Not less than 40% by weight

24. CE Manufacturing Compliance: BS EN 746-2-1997

22. The supplier must give batches of spare parts of first urgency and consumable of the

23. The installed incinerator must bear a one year guarantee.
24. The supplier shall perforn an onsite installation of the incinerator.

25. The technical training of operators will have to be provided and given by a technician from the
factory; it will consist of curative and preventive maintenance, and the use of machine, etc

NB.; Civil works and any other related services for the installation and training of operators must be included in the incinerator’s price.

Specification for the shelter of the incinerator:

House of the incinerator inclusive in offer (the house must have toilet and hand washing facilities and firefighting). The size of the shelter shall measure four meter by six meter and shall be provided with adequate air ventilation.

This material and equipment must include in the shed of the incinerator: foundation in rubble stone, isolation roofing against humudity; elevation with brick of 20 cm (bloc cement), continuing lintel (linteau) in reinforced concrete; steel frame (charpente en metal); roofing in sheet B.C.A. 28 BG

Capacity of destruction in weight 60 Kg/h

medical waste incinerator solutions and prices for 100 bed / 500 bed / 1000 bed / 3000 bed hospitals.
– Assumption: general hospital beds 50%, operation beds 50% for the 100 bed hospital case, while this

ratio is 30-70% for the other cases
–  international standards and waste creations assumptions should apply

CAPACITY : Burner 150 kg/hr.

Quantity : Two [2] with complete accessories.

Types of wastes being used: GENERAL WASTE.Polyester, polypropylene, polystyrene, vinyl acetate plastic, synthetic

natural rubber, synthetic rubber, polyurethane sheet, and bulky films, solids and
– particles that can be easily sorted
– Items that easily degenerate such as paper, wood, leather and garbage
– Chemical waste solids and liquids, waste oil and other difficult-to-handle items

The  machines will be certified for operation from PME after passing site investigations.Manual load twin chamber

incinerator for medical waste to burn 50kg/hr on continuous operation, with Primary temperature in the region of

800degC minimum and 1200degC or more in the Secondary chamber, complete with charging door, Ash door, Air and view

ports, auxiliary air system with adjustable dampers, burners and burner control system and ignition unit, the whole to

meet NEMA requirements and other international standards. Здравствуйте! Меня интересует пе

чь для сжигания медицинских отходов инсинератор на 300 кг и 500 кг. Ж

ду ответа. Стоимость и доставка до г.Алматы Казахстан

The technical details we care about are:

–          Capacity (burning capacity of waste per hour). 150kg/hour.Incinerator with 300l waste chamber

–          Build materials, 5mm High quality mild steel construction ; 100 mm high quality refractory lining.

–          High Temperature paint finish.we have 2 hospitals,more then 20 dentist offices,and over 50 doctor offices.
would it be possible to give us info on the capacity of incinerator we need

on this island.

–          Up to 150 KG/Hrs. incinerator to dispose our daily normal mortality for this size of the farm.1.can the

100kg/hr burn solid waste/hazardous waste like expired paints,waste oil or chemicals.
2.What about the heat generated during burning,are there windows or air flow into the containers.

–          Consumption of power and fuel. hospital waste disposal system for a hospital project

–          Ash removal odor.The incinerator is for HAZARDOUS WASTE and SOLID WASTE and minimal carbon emission.

–          Automatic curing process temperature controlled chamber.Incinerator with 150l waste chamber

–          Secondary chamber.

1. Do you have plans for above incinerators showing floor dimensions ,height. INCINERATOR FOR SMALL ANIMALS ABOUT 70-


2. What materials should be used for the FLOOT, WALLS, ROOF ETC.1) The only consumable required for the system TS100

(PLC) is Oil( diesel) is that OK?

2) from your technical specification: oil consumption (Kg/hour) is between 14–28) do you mean is liters/hour?

example the incinerator will be operating for 10 hours per day means the oil consumption will be ~140 Liters or more?

3) Chimney type stainless steel. how about main body construction materials?if there are more two option of main body

construction materials for better lifetime

3. Send info about electricity, ventilation, fire protection, exhausts, chimney etc

4.Do you have prefabricated shelters?Installation of waste disposal system (biomedical) 500kg capacity model, MP 500

medical incinerator.

5. We see you have container shelters . Send us price estimate for this item

1.    Capacity of destruction in weight: 60 Kg/h.
2.    It should be able to operate not less than 10 hours/day
3.    This incinerator must be able to destruct all combustible wastes produced by hospitals, private clinics,

laboratories, institutes, etc…
4.    Design Specification : Types A, B, C, D, and E of medical waste
5.    “PYROLYTIC” combustion, by controlling the gasification of waste.
6.    The incinerator must avoid the release of black smoke and fine dust, (Smokeless) during the loadings.
7.    It should be able to reduce the volume of wastes by 98%.
8.    It should be able to hold emission in the second burn with gas residence of not less than 2 seconds.
9.    The incineration should be completely free from visible smoke as well as offensive odours.
10.    The lower calorific power (L.C.P) of this waste will be 3,500 kcal/kg
•    The Temperatures of combustion: Minimum will be 850oC and max 1400oC
•    Post combustion: >1100oC.
11.    The Internal diameter of the Chimney: Ø 400 and its height: 8 m
12.    The Volume of the combustion chamber: 1.200 L
13.    The Dimension of the door for loading in cm: 70×70.
14.    Burner operation should be Automatic On/Off
15.    Fuel : diesel
16.    The supplier must provide  necessary information for the best of  the installation
This incinerator with “PYROLYTIC” combustion must have:
17.    A combustion chamber of waste:
* Perfectly tight door for the manual loading of waste. The loading should be Manual, Batch Load
* A burner of lighting which the use is limited to the ignition of waste.
* Frontage of loading with door seals gone up on hinges, wheel of screw plug, flexible joint, and stuffing insulating

out of refractory.
* The insulation of the combustion chamber should be composed of refractory bricks, having a high content of aluminium

and insulates bricks in order to assure a minimum temperature on   the outside sheet metal.
* Composition of the refractory;
•    Refractory concrete :
    . Thickness    : ≥100 mm
    . Nature: 42% of Al203
•    Insulate in fibrous panels :
    . Thickness: ≥75 mm
•    Nature: Calcium silicate.
* Burner of lighting of waste, with fuel, standard mono-bloc casting guiding  plunging flame, lighting and safety of

electronic ignition, permanent ventilation, electromagnetic sluice gate of regulation and isolating valve.
* Plate of combustion in Carborundum, avoiding the fixing of glass and slags.

18.    A chamber of post combustion of gases
* A burner of combustion of gases,
* A device of injection of air allowing a total re-combustion of gases,
* A device of air inlet of cooling of waste gases,
* A sheath of evacuation of the gases burnt.
* Carcass in strong sheet steel with support of connection.
* Composition of the refractory;
•    Refractory concrete :
    Thickness    : ≥150 mm
    Nature: 65% of Al203
•    Insulate in fibrous panel :
    Thickness: ≥85 mm
     Nature: Calcium
* Burner with fuel, mono-bloc casting guiding type with horizontal flame, lighting and safety of     electronic

ignition, permanent ventilation, electromagnetic sluice gate of regulation and isolating valve.
* A secondary injection of air to ensure perfect oxygen content.
19.    A control box ensuring the complete cycle of combustion.

20.    Fan:
* Electro-ventilator distributing the secondary air, the regulation of the air flow being carried out by valves and

following the control of the automatic cycle.
21.    Controls and regulations:
Control box watertight to dust, including:

* A switch circuit breaker for each engine (ventilators and burners).
* A timer with adjustable temporization for the regulation of each burner.
* A regulator with digital watching for the temperature of combustion.
* A regulator with digital watching for the temperature of post combustion.
* Electric box.

21. The de- ashing must be done in the bottom of the combustion chamber or the deashing should be Automatic or manual

batch de ashing.
22. Process Filtering system: Scrubber to be mentioned as optional
23. Emission Standards Compliance: BS 3316 or equivalent standard
23. Capacity to treat Plastic: Not less than 40% by weight
24. CE Manufacturing Compliance: BS EN 746-2-1997
22.    The supplier must give batches of spare parts of first urgency and consumable of the incinerator.
23.    The installed incinerator must bear a one year guarantee.
24.    The supplier shall perform an onsite installation of the incinerator.
25.    The technical training of operators will have to be provided and given by a technician
from the factory; it will consist of curative and preventive maintenance, and the use of machine, etc

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